All the words you need to know to live in Italy (if you are not Italian): Public Institutions

  • Ambasciata italiana
    Italian Embassy. The italian diplomatic office in a foreign country. It carries out international policy activities and represents and protects Italian citizens living abroad.
  • ASL (azienda sanitaria locale)

    Local Health Authority. ASLs are present all over Italy and perform health care services for citizens.

  • Banca
    Bank. A place where money can be deposited or withdrawn or other banking activities can be carried out (wire transfers, mortgages, ATM withdrawals, credit cards.
  • Consolato
    Consulate. It is the representative office of a country in a foreign state and has administrative functions and protects the citizens it represents.
  • Dogana
    Customs. It is an office that monitors the entry and exit of goods crossing a state's borders.
  • Informagiovani
    It is a service addressed to young people to obtain information on jobs, social activities, leisure time and training.
  • Pronto soccorso
    ER. A hospital facility that treats emergencies such as people injured in an accident, seriously ill people with sudden onset of illness and people who are unwell.
  • Questura
    Police Headquarters. Questura is the office of the Ministry of the Interior that deals with security and public order. It handles the paperwork for non-EU citizens such as passport issuance.
  • Regione, Provincia e Comune

    Region, Province and Municipality. They are the public entities into which Italy is subdivided. There are 20 regions in Italy:

    1. Abruzzo
    2. Basilicata
    3. Calabria
    4. Campania
    5. Emilia-Romagna
    6. Friuli-Venezia Giulia
    7. Lazio
    8. Liguria
    9. Lombardy
    10. Marche
    11. Molise
    12. Piemonte
    13. Puglia
    14. Sardegna
    15. Sicilia
    16. Toscana
    17. Trentino-Alto Adige
    18. Umbria
    19. Valle d'Aosta
    20. Veneto.

  • Ufficio postale
    Post office. A place where one can access postal services (e.g. sending letters or parcels) or banking activities (ATM withdrawals, paying bills) etc.