All the words you need to know to live in Italy: documents

  • Carta d’identità

    Identity Card. It is the document that identifies the holder through a photo, the date and place of birth, profession, and marital status.

  • Codice fiscale
    Tax ID code. It is a 16 digits (letters and numbers) code unique for each citizen. It identifies the holder’s first name, last name, gender, place of birth, and date of birth and the year of issue. The “codice fiscale” is needed to carry out many administrative transactions and activities.
  • Passaporto
    Passport. It is the document for travelling abroad. Between EU countries, EU citizens can travel without a passport. They only need an identity card.
  • Patente di guida
    Driver’s License. It is the document that allows you to drive a vehicle.
  • Permesso di soggiorno
    Residence permit. It is the authorization issued by the Questura (Police Headquarters) for non-European citizens to live in Italy for the same or a longer period as that specified in the entry visa. It can be requested for: tourism, work, study, health care, and family reasons.
  • Tessera sanitaria (TEAM)
    Health Insurance card. It is a document reporting the “codice fiscale” of the European or non-European holder. It is required to access health care services in Italy, in the European Union and Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
  • Visto d’ingresso
    Entry visa. It is the authorization issued by the Italian Embassy or Consulate for non-European citizens to enter Italy. The duration of the visa may be short or long. It can be requested for: tourism, work, study, health care, and family reasons. When the visa expires, you must apply for a residence permit to stay in Italy.